Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hannah--what I learned

I did not know that Yellowstone is home to 2/3 of the world's geysers. A geyser is the result of water from the ground coming in contact with heat from magma which is a volcanic source. It then builds up a lot of pressure. The pressure is then released in the air as hot water.

One of the most famous geysers is Old Faithful. Some people think Old Faithful is the oldest geyser, but it is not. Old Faithful is estimated to have been functioning for only 200-300 years. Castle geyser is thought to be the oldest because it has a large cone formation. Old faithful is also not the biggest geyser. Steamboat geyser is the biggest. It's eruptions can reach nearly 400 feet high. Old Faithful's eruptions are 106-184 feet. Steamboat's eruptions though are more unpredictable. Since Old Faithful's eruptions are not the biggest or the oldest, some people wonder why it is so famous. Old Faithful is famous because it erupts more frequently than any other geysers. It is easy to get to for the public. Also the public does not have to wait long for the next eruption. In fact Old Faithful erupts 18-24 times a day. Old Faithful erupts on time almost all the time. When we went to see it, it was exactly on time. It was amazing! This is good because we did not have to wit long. This is how Old Faithful got it's name. In 1870 members of the Doan Expidition named the geyser after it's eruption pattern because it was so "faithful".

Old Faithful is only one of over 200 geysers in the park, but the park is not only home to geysers. It also has hot springs, mud pots, and fumaroles. These things are very important to Yellowstone and play an important role in attracting the public. This is one thing I learned at Yellowstone that i did not learn before. I also enjoyed seeing them even though they stunk sometimes. You will not be disappointed, so come see, learn, and have a good time at Yellowstone National Park.

There are many reasons we should keep Yellowstone a national park. Not only because of its beauty and tranquility, but also because of its attractions and history. It is home to many kinds of wildlife and visited by many people. It plays an important role in the world.

Yellowstone is home to 2/3 of the world's geysers. Without the park these geysers could potentially be destroyed. This would be a great loss because a lot of the geysers are ll known and have a bunch of history. Along with geysers the park is home to hot springs, mud pots, and fumaroles. All of these are great attractions in the park.

Yellowstone is also home to a huge volcano under the Earth's . Another huge portion of Yellowstone is the volcano's caldera. This is a very important feature in Yellowstone that interests many people. It is important to Yellowstone's future and history.

Another thing about Yellowstone is that it is home to wildlife including bison, moose, elk, wolves, and bears. There's not only a lot of animals. There's also a lot of vegetation. Without Yellowstone what home do these things have? Yellowstone is a way to protect and preserve the beauty that is still left. It is a home to these things. If we take that away, then tons of wildlife will have nowhere to go.

Anyone who says we should not preserve Yellowstone cannot have a good reason to get rid of one of Mother Nature's masterpieces.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah!
    I'm so proud of how much you've learned. It's great to see photos and read everyone's posts. It helps me learn along with you. I hope some day you will take your family to see all the awesome sites you've had an opportunity to experience. Say thanks and give a big hug to Ms. Littlejohn and the other adults who have made this once in a lifetime trip possible for you. We love you and can't wait to see you later today! Love mama
