Thursday, June 2, 2011

As promised...Two Voices: The Story and the "Real" Story by Leah and Catherine

Leah: For all of those doubted (and laughed out LOUD at me), I am surviving and having a blast. I made it through the first night of rain, sleeping in the van (if you want to call it that), not taking a shower, and, wait for it...wearing the exact same outfit for forty-eight hours. You heard it folks, no lie.

That is correct. Leah did survive the first night, and didn't cringe at the thought of the same clothes for 48 hours. I think she has made great progress, but still "vetoes" some public restrooms, won't eat anything that has touched the ground, or drink out of an unmarked water bottle, unlike Carole who said, "Whose water is this...oh, well...." and then takes a drink. The look on Leah's face was priceless. So, needless to say it has been a trip of extremes.

Leah: Yes, progress has been made, but I say this as I sit poolside at Evan's Plunge. I still can't do a public pool (even though Abigail assures me that it cleans itself sixteen times a day). I would need some solid proof on that one.
While the reactions from the kids and most adults have been "How beautiful" and "Is that a real buffalo?", nothing can compare to Patty's reactions to local "attractions." Here are a few of the reactions: Look, they have a new Sam's! Geico? I didn't know they had an office! Look, y'all, they have a new Dairy Queen! All kidding aside, Patty is a pro at this traveling/camping business.

Catherine: However, on a more sentimental note, there are no words to describe a child's reaction to the first sight a"real buffalo," Mt. Rushmore, or the experience of sleeping in a tent for the first time. When the buffalo walked through the campsite at Custer, and the kids rushed to take photos, Leah said, "Oh, look a herd of buffalo!" Patty had to say, "No, Leah, five buffalo don't make a herd..."

Leah: Who knew?

More to come...stayed tuned.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Somewhere out west...where the buffalo roam

1 comment:

  1. Leah,
    I love your story of Patty's reactions. I can hear her now. It sounds like you are turning into a camper after-all.

    I am so glad that you and Clay get to experience this together.

    Mary Littlejohn
