A few pictures from yesterday's drive, before the rain forced us off our horseback ride and into Custer.
Driving Needle's Highway - can you believe we fit through this gap? The kids could reach out the window and touch the wall just inches away.

On the other side...this is where we could park and get out to explore the view.

Great rock climbing for the kids - they scampered up the rocks of The Needles like mountain goats.

One of many unique views of this picturesque part of the Black Hills.

We've just arrived at Devil's Tower, Wyoming. What a great big rock sticking up out of the ground! We are wishing for a dry night here at the KOA campground. If you've been following our blog, but haven't joined in order to leave a comment, please do! The kids love to see who has written us a note and who is seeing the posts and pictures we're sharing with you poor folks who didn't get to come with us. We've got wifi here tonight - maybe you'll hear from us and we'll hear from you! :)