Blogging from the parking lot of Norbeck overlook, viewing Mt. Rushmore as we are driving there - others are picnicing - racing to post a blog while we have the precious cell phone signal! There is NO signal in Custer St. Park, where we are staying. Night before last, in Beresford, SD, we went to bed when it got dark at 10 pm to the glow of security lights, flickering lights on the huge agricultural facility in the field adjacent to the campground, and the lull of interstate 90 traffic just a few hundred yards away, bugs biting. Last night, we went to bed near midnight in sweatshirts and long sleeves, lit only by a million stars, a half moon, and hearing only the wind in the trees. Beautiful!
Photos above - not in the order intended, but as is to save time, from top: the grasslands leading up to the Badlands; our party clammoring like billy goats up a small bit of the Badlands behind the visitor center there; a view in the Badlands as we drove along the 40 mile loop around the park - we followed a thunderstorm through which made quite different light and vistas from what we would see on a sunny day; our bunch at the first overlook entering Badlands; a close up of the facade of Corn Palace. More coming...
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